Posts in 2024
  • Fettle

    Thursday, January 18, 2024 in Blog

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    What is Fettle? Fettle is a groundbreaking SaaS product designed to elevate your organization’s software engineering practices to new heights. By introducing Fettle Functions, a unique spin on Fitness Functions, we help you effortlessly bake …

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Posts in 2022
  • Microservices - WTF Are They?

    Thursday, October 27, 2022 in Blog

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    What comes to mind when you hear the term “Microservice”? Do you think of a small service? While that’s correct, there is more to a Microservice architecture. The Why Monolithic applications have been around for a long time in software architecture. …

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  • Unit Testing - You're Doing It Wrong

    Friday, October 21, 2022 in Blog

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    What do you think of when you hear the phrase “Unit Testing”? Do you think of testing each method of your service individually and independently, while mocking everything else? Testing your endpoint layer, testing your business logic …

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  • Software Engineer Tools I Can't Live Without

    Saturday, August 27, 2022 in Blog

    Featured Image for Software Engineer Tools I Can't Live Without

    Below are tools that I use on a daily basis that my life as a software engineer easier. Command Line iTerm: A must if you interact with the command line much on macOS Oh My Zsh: Improves the UX of using the terminal Programming IntelliJ IDEA: for …

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  • Raycast + JetBrains Toolbox

    Sunday, May 08, 2022 in Blog

    I have been a fan of JetBrains IDE’s for many years. I use IntelliJ IDEA every single day. In the last few years I have also grown to love Raycast. If you are not yet familiar with Raycast, I highly recommend giving it a spin if you use …

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  • My Setup for a new Mac

    Sunday, April 10, 2022 in Blog

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    One of my favorite experiences as a software techie geek, is setting up a new Mac when I get one. While I have a few standard tools I install, I enjoy using the time to explore and try different tools and apps. I decided to write about the …

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  • Easily change JDK versions

    Thursday, March 31, 2022 in Blog

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    Have you had the pleasure of installing a specific JDK? Or have a need to switch between multiple JDKs depending on what project you are working on? If so, you know this can be a pain in the ass. Good news though! There is a tool that makes this …

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Posts in 2019
  • Moneta Spring Data Mongo and Jackson

    Wednesday, September 11, 2019 in Blog

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    Making all the things work together sometimes seems like more effort than its worth. This won’t help you with that, but if you need to get JSR354 working with Spring Boot and Spring Data MongoDB this may help you some. The following steps assume you …

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  • VScode Extensions

    Tuesday, August 06, 2019 in Blog

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    Below is a list of VS Codes Extensions I find helpful (in no particular order): Look and Feel One Dark Pro VSCode Icons Code Formatting and Linting ESLint Prettier Code Spell Checker Source Control Git Lens Containers Docker Kubernetes Documentation …

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